1 million customers are now using safe Galaxy Note 7 units

Samsung is updating the information about Galaxy Note 7 exchange program almost on a daily basis. Yesterday, the South Korean company announced 57% of customers exchanged their Galaxy Note 7 smartphones in Europe, while earlier this week Samsung stated the more than 60% customers in the US did the same thing.


Today, a new update by Samsung indicates that around 1 million customers globally are now using the new, safe Galaxy Note 7 replacements the company started to ship last week. Among them, there are 150,000 Chinese consumers who use the safe Galaxy Note 7 smartphones.


In the same statement, Samsung promises to investigate each complain coming from Chinese customers who claim their supposedly safe Galaxy Note 7 units are overheating or their batteries are draining too fast. The company also states that the few cases it has already looked into do not suggest that the battery is at fault for any of the exploding Galaxy Note 7 replacements.


Courtesy of PhoneAreana